
Java 열거형 서수() 메서드

Enum 클래스의 ordinal() 메서드는 이 열거형 상수의 서수를 반환합니다.

이 방법은 EnumSet 및 EnumMap과 같은 정교한 열거형 기반 데이터 구조에서 사용하도록 설계되었습니다.


 public final int ordinal() 

반환 값

ordinal() 메서드는 이 열거형 상수의 서수를 반환합니다.

실시예 1

 public class Enum_ordinalMethodExample1 { enum Colours{ Red,Green,Brown,Yellow; } public static void main(String[] args) { Colours Red = Colours.Red; Colours Green = Colours.Green; Colours Brown = Colours.Brown; Colours Yellow = Colours.Yellow; System.out.println(' Red ordinal = '+Red.ordinal()); System.out.println(' Green Ordinal = '+Green.ordinal()); System.out.println(' Brown Ordinal = '+Brown.ordinal()); System.out.println(' Yellow Ordinal = '+Yellow.ordinal()); } } 
지금 테스트해보세요


 Red ordinal = 0 Green Ordinal = 1 Brown Ordinal = 2 Yellow Ordinal = 3 

실시예 2

 public class Enum_ordinalMethodExample2 { enum Position{ Reema('Panda'),Himanshu('Bhardwaj'),Geetanjali('Sharma'); String lName; Position(String s){ lName=s; } String showPosition(){ return lName; } } public static void main(String[] args) { for(Position pos : Position.values()){ int val = pos.ordinal()+1; System.out.println('First name = '+pos+'
Last name = '+pos.showPosition() +'
Position in class = '+val ); System.out.println(); } } } 
지금 테스트해보세요


 First name = Reema Last name = Panda Position in class = 1 First name = Himanshu Last name = Bhardwaj Position in class = 2 First name = Geetanjali Last name = Sharma Position in class = 3 

실시예 3

 public class Enum_ordinalMethodExample3 { enum movie{ Don,DDlJ,Fan,Zero,VeerZara; } public static void main(String[] args) { movie Don,DDLJ,Fan,Zero; Zero= movie.Zero; System.out.println('Movies of Shahrukh Khan:'); for(movie m:movie.values()){ // method will return the ordinals of the enum constants System.out.println(m.ordinal()+' '+m); } System.out.println('Q In which movie Shah rukh khan has played a dual role ?'); String obj1='Don'; String obj2 ='Zero'; Boolean b1 =obj1.equals(obj2); System.out.println('Ans. '+Zero.ordinal()+' '+ obj2 ); if(b1==true){ System.out.println('Your answer is correct.'); } else{ System.out.println('Sorry!You Failed.
 The Correct answer is Don.'); } } } 
지금 테스트해보세요


 Movies of Shahrukh Khan: 0 Don 1 DDlJ 2 Fan 3 Zero 4 VeerZara Q In which movie Shah rukh khan has played a dual role ? Ans. 3 Zero Sorry!You Failed. The Correct answer is Don.